There is no barrier to success when it comes to doing great things for sustainability. Contributing to the planet’s economic and social wellbeing is Management and Science University (MSU), just recently ranked for the second year running among the world’s top universities making an impact for the SDGs.


The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) provide a road map to a better world by 2030 for both people and the planet. Collectively, they form a global call to action to end poverty and hunger while meeting a range of social needs including universal access to education, healthcare, and clean water.


The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings benchmarks university performance against the SDGs, and highlights which goals each institution is most closely aligned to.


Coming in Top 10 in Malaysia on THE Impact Rankings 2020 is MSU, ranking in seven out of the seventeen UNSDGs.


Scoring the highest in Partnership for the Goals (Goal 17 of the UNSDGs), MSU ranks at Top 301+ among 800+ institutions ranked worldwide in this category.


Scoring another high for impact to Good Health and Wellbeing (Goal 3 of the UNSDGs), MSU again ranks at Top 301+ among 620 institutions ranked worldwide in this category.


MSU has also scored highly with its lifelong learning measures, placing the University at Top 201+ for impact to Quality Education (Goal 4 of the UNSDGs).


The fourth highest score for MSU, earning another Top 201+ ranking, comes from the University’s impact to Gender Equality (Goal 5 of the UNSDGs).


Decent Work and Economic Growth (Goal 8 of the UNSDGs) makes the fifth highest impact for MSU, giving the University its third Top 201+ ranking.


The University’s extensive community engagement and anti-poverty programmes through the work of MSU Foundation contribute to MSU’s fourth Top 201+ spot in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2020, from the No Poverty category (Goal 1 of the UNSDGs).


With the highest percentage across all the categories registered by the number of students from developing countries, MSU ranks at Top 301+ for Reduced Inequalities (Goal 10 of the UNSDGs).


MSU in inaugural Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2019



There is no barrier to success when it comes to doing great things for sustainability. Contributing to the planet’s economic and social wellbeing is Management and Science University (MSU), just recently ranked for the second year running among the world’s top universities making an impact for the SDGs.


The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) provide a road map to a better world by 2030 for both people and the planet. Collectively, they form a global call to action to end poverty and hunger while meeting a range of social needs including universal access to education, healthcare, and clean water.


The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings benchmarks university performance against the SDGs, and highlights which goals each institution is most closely aligned to.


Coming in Top 10 in Malaysia on THE Impact Rankings 2020 is MSU, ranking in seven out of the seventeen UNSDGs.


Scoring the highest in Partnership for the Goals (Goal 17 of the UNSDGs), MSU ranks at Top 301+ among 800+ institutions ranked worldwide in this category.


Scoring another high for impact to Good Health and Wellbeing (Goal 3 of the UNSDGs), MSU again ranks at Top 301+ among 620 institutions ranked worldwide in this category.


MSU has also scored highly with its lifelong learning measures, placing the University at Top 201+ for impact to Quality Education (Goal 4 of the UNSDGs).


The fourth highest score for MSU, earning another Top 201+ ranking, comes from the University’s impact to Gender Equality (Goal 5 of the UNSDGs).


Decent Work and Economic Growth (Goal 8 of the UNSDGs) makes the fifth highest impact for MSU, giving the University its third Top 201+ ranking.


The University’s extensive community engagement and anti-poverty programmes through the work of MSU Foundation contribute to MSU’s fourth Top 201+ spot in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2020, from the No Poverty category (Goal 1 of the UNSDGs).


With the highest percentage across all the categories registered by the number of students from developing countries, MSU ranks at Top 301+ for Reduced Inequalities (Goal 10 of the UNSDGs).


MSU in inaugural Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2019