‘Why MSU?’ Featuring Vithyasree Nandakumal

Good day, everybody! I’m here to share about my experience in not other than Management & Science University (MSU). Back in 2013, I received an offer letter from MSU for Foundation in Medical Science program. At first my family weren’t so happy as I’m from Ipoh and I have to cross about 200kms to do my undergraduate program. MSU also offered me waivers for the program and so yeah, I grabbed the golden chance.
A year at the campus, I learned so many things alone. I learned how to be independent, and I made many good friends. A year after my pre-u, I continued my Bachelor’s in School of Pharmacy in MSU, because I did not want to go anywhere else. My bachelors were for 4 beautiful years.

To speak about MSU, they do not only focus academically but on overall growth. For academic side, we were attached to hospitals, community pharmacy and industrial pharmacy in those 4 years of study. These attachments were a very good one as we could practice hands on and actually face the patients and deal with them.

Besides that, we also have Personal Enrichment Competency (PEC) programs, which is not practiced in many other universities. PEC was a compulsory subject as it provides better chance in getting employed as it sharpens our soft skills. We had to complete about 6 PECs for us to graduate as a pharmacist. PEC enlighten us with critical thinking skills, teamwork skills, leadership skills, management skills, entrepreneurial skills and wellness management. Oh yes, something we don’t learn during our high schools.
To speak about the lecturers in school of pharmacy, they treat us like family! They make sure we understand what we are being taught and wouldn’t sigh at any time to repeat it. The mentor and mentee system were also a beneficial one as we could share our personal opinions with our lectures, besides having extracurricular activities outside the classroom such as archery and bowling.

Not to forget, MSU is placed in a very strategic place surrounded by many food stalls and malls and yes this was one of the reasons I wanted to pursue my degree in MSU! Every essential thing is nearby like the KTM Station, bus station, 24 hours hospital and clinic, barber shop, printing shop and many more! So, yes I had 5 beautiful years in MSU and I miss being a student there. I would like to continue my Masters in MSU very soon.
Thank you MSU, you’re the BEST! Transforming Lives, Enriching Future! Lots of love.
Best Regards,
Alumni Foundation In Medical Science (2014) and Bachelors in Pharmacy (2019)