Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
In a democratic society, compassion and a strong moral compass are crucial. Thus, we must ensure that we have strong institutions, global justice standards, and a worldwide commitment to peace. MSU has always been committed in providing a peace, justice and strong institution.Professor Dato' Wira Dr. Mohd Shukri Ab. Yajid is a prominent figure in Malaysian higher education. He established Management & Science University, Malaysia's premier private institutions of higher education. MSU's successes and accomplishments are a result of his passion for quality education and commitment to actively engage the corporate, academic, and community sectors. His knowledge and views on education development and policy issues are frequently sought after. He has been appointed by the Malaysian government to various education committees, which is a testimony of his passion and commitment to the development of Malaysia's education standards locally and internationally. These committees include being the Advisor for Malaysian Higher Education (MOHE), the National Implementation Task Force (NITF), National Higher Education Funds' board, and the Human Resources Cluster Working Group (CWG), all of which were constituted by the Prime Minister's office. He is also serving as the board of director for Tokyo, Japan's Alliance for Business Education & Scholarship of Tomorrow (ABEST 21).
Over and above that, as a university, we believe in students’ rights and responsibilities. We have established various student unions to represent the student community to the management and society. The main student union is known as the Student Representative Council (SRC). Essentially, it is a group of students working cooperatively to make specific events feasible but as the time went on, student representative council has become the face of MSU student community. They are medium of communication between the management and the students. They are also the ambassadors of cooperation and leadership among the students. SRC is comprised of students from all levels of education in MSU. SRC is elected by the students for the students.