MSU has established its entrepreneurship ecosystem that encompasses: Corporate Governance, Financial Accessibility, Entrepreneurship Culture, Infrastructure and Support Systems, Human Capital Competencies and Markets & Opportunities. Due to the comprehensiveness of the ecosystem, these domain of the ecosystem requires the involvement of all parties within the academic and non-academic sectors of the institution.

To ensure a sustainable development of entrepreneurship, MSU established the Leadership & Entrepreneurship Advancement Institute (LEAD) Institute that act as the catalyst to nurture entrepreneurial and leadership culture within MSU. An initial seed fund of RM5 million is provided to enable selected aspiring entrepreneurs to kick-start their ventures.

It is targeted that at every new semester a cohort of minimum of 50 new student entrepreneurs will register under the Jumpstart program. The promotion of the program is coordinated with the involvement of the Faculties and each faculty has its own targeted candidates for the program.

LEAD Institute facilitates the development of entrepreneurship culture within the six strategic domain mentioned earlier and operationally through:

  1. University-Industry collaborations on entrepreneurship development programs

  2. Seeking input from University-Industry Advisory Panel members on trends, challenges and expectations.

  3. Incubator programs for the development of ideas to commercialization

  4. Networking among potential entrepreneurs (students and alumni) with the entrepreneur communities and potential investors

  5. Providing seed financing to kick start new venture

  6. Providing advisory and support systems to sustain the business during its infancy stage

  7. Advising faculties on entrepreneurship development curriculum

  8. Providing access to entrepreneurship know-how via adjunct professors from the industry


Leadership at LEAD

Being one of the core pillars at MSU, the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem is driven by an experience team that covers both academic, industries and enterprise who reports direct to the President.

Prof. Dr Abdol Ali Khatibi
Senior VP for Post Graduate - Offshore Campuses

Prof. Dr Abdul Jalil Ghazali
Senior VP for Industry Linkages & Entrepreneurship

Dato' Nasharuddin Shukor
VP for Business & Enterprise Development

Local & International Awards & Recognitions

Ministry of Higher Education - Most Entrepreneurial Private University Award

ACEEU Asia Pacific Triple E Awards

Lifetime Achievement in Entrepreneurship Award – Prof. Tan Sri Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid
(President-Founder Management & Science University)

International Partnerships

As part of MSU’s strategic initiative to develop fashion entrepreneurs to be of international standard, MSU partners with UEDA College of Fashion, Osaka in the promotion and development of young fashion designers by creating a platform for them to participate in international fashion design exhibition in Japan. Through UEDA College of Fashion, MSU fashion designers will also have access to renowned international brands such as Christian Dior.

Catalyst for Economic Development

LEAD while focussing on internal entrepreneurship development for MSU entrepreneurship ecosystem also promote MSU as an economic hub for the community. Over the years new property developments within the vicinity of the campus have always include MSU as one of the key factors in their sales and marketing promotion. With the completion of MSU Medical Centre, the demand for commercial outlets, residence and hospitality services will increase accordingly and spur further development and commercial benefits to the surrounding communities.