Comprehensive facilities promoting entrepreneurship activities within the University
MSU provides ample facilities to enable students to develop and apply entrepreneurship skills within its campus community. These facilities include MSU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sandbox (MINES) and commercial outlets that act as live laboratories for applied entrepreneurship learning experience for students.
- MSU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sandbox (MINES) - Incubator for entrepreneurs and Start-Ups. MINES is a well-equipped incubator for students and alumni and also serves as co-working space to public. It now houses several Start-ups – Blockworq (Blockchain Technology), Humateca (Design Thinking & Branding Consultancy), Enzeq Ventures (Virtual Reality & Metaverse) and IFT Academy (Technology Academy)
Entrepreneurship Street along U-Plaza that houses the U-Shop, MSU Eye Centre, Starbucks, Subway, MyNews, BilaBila Mart, Q-Bistro, Chicken Guy, KFC, U-Print, U-Holiday, Fresh Bake, Cinnamon Café and The Hub that provide real-life entrepreneurship environment.
- Learning facilities that replicates actual business facilities in the areas of hospitality, fashion design, spa, beauty saloon, music studio and entrepreneurship gallery exhibiting students’ projects, certificates of achievements, trophies, prototypes and photographs.
Beauty Saloon

Conducive entrepreneurship environment
MSU provides a conducive environment in entrepreneurship development by actively supporting its students in activities for community engagement and Entrepreneurship Week as one of the means to develop social entrepreneurship.