Health Advisory #3 on Movement Restriction Order
(Restricted Movement)

Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
 17 March 2020; 12pm


The global COVID-19 pandemic has reached alarming global proportion.  In Malaysia, the announcement for Movement Restriction Order (Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan) was made on 16th March 2020. 

What Is A Movement Restriction?

A “movement restriction” prevents people from leaving an area (eg homes or workplace). This protocol has been initiated by the Malaysian authority and will take effect midnight of March 18th TO March 31st 2020. This restriction is adopted to help contain the spread of the coronavirus.

Responding to the Movement Restriction Order

Under this restriction order MSU will extend its fullest cooperation to ensure that Teaching & Learning are not interrupted, and it is MANDATORY that the following is observed:

A.   Teaching & Learning: 

  • All classes (face-to-face) from 18th-31st March 2020 are cancelled.
  • Cancelled classes will be replaced with blended and/or online delivery modes.
  • Teaching and learning will proceed through online teaching aids such as webinars, websites & search engines, email, whatsapp, Youtube and other similar platforms,
  • For practical/training, teaching and assessment, announcement and arrangements will be made by the respective faculties / schools.


It is of utmost importance that all necessary directives by the Malaysian government are strictly adhered to.  As of to-date, there are NO confirmed COVID-19 cases among MSU students and staff. Despite this, the following guidelines, including the MSU’s Health Advisories #001 & #002 on COVID-19, are to be STRICTLY observed:

  1. OPTIMISE PRACTICE ON PERSONAL HYGIENE. Wash your hands regularly for min of 20 seconds each wash. There are many ways to do this. Click here for shared video by MSUMC :

  2. TEMPERATURE checks at all main entrances. All students/staff/visitors will be screened.

  3. SCHEDULED DISINFECTING of all the public and identified areas including the classrooms, common areas, toilets, elevators and door handles. Antibacterial soaps will also be provided in the toilets/hand washing area.

  4. DESIGNATED MEETING VENUES are provided at Foyer, Performing Arts Theatre (PAT) and Level 15, Management Tower to ensure controlled movements of visitors to the campus. Visitors will also be asked to report to the security during arrival and when leaving the campus.

  5. INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL BANS to all countries for MSU staff and students. 

  6. NO MASS GATHERINGS ALLOWED. These include the following:
    • MSU Colleges’ 24th Convocation
    • MSU Medical Centre Run
    • MSU Career Fair 2020
    • Conferences / Exhibitions
    • Mass meetings (>50 pax) (involving outsiders)

  7. BRIEFINGS will be conducted on self-examining and monitoring of the health conditions among our families members and friends in close contact. If they show symptoms of COVID-19 – fever, coughing, sneezing and / or experiencing respiratory conditions, seek medical attention at once. Isolate yourself and maintain social distance.

  8. BE AWARE of the latest information on the COVID-19 through official platforms, particularly the Ministry of Health (KKM) for current developments.  

  9. REFER as well to MSU’s official hotlines, website, as well as the official social media platforms, on latest news and announcements. 

  10. DO NOT spread or share un-verified contents or messages, including news or articles that are not credible


C.   SOURCES OF REFERENCE (as per Health Advisory #002)

As guides, these are immediate measures necessary to be taken:

  • Postponement of ALL mobility programs for students or staff to affected countries. This includes classes, visits, teaching commitments etc.
  • International students or staff who have visited the affected countries must notify the Global Affairs Department upon returning. Measures for self-quarantined, will be advised.
  • The measures taken will also affect students and staff mobility activities between MSU and its partners in affected countries. 
  • Quarantines instructions by the authority will be adhered as well. 
  • The medical team from MSU Medical Centre Specialist Hospital are put on standby for further necessary assistance.
  • Practise social distancing.

Always refer to credible sources for information. Contact these hotline numbers for 


Media & Strategic Communication :

03 5521 6498
03-5521 6498
03-5521 6563
03-5521 6490
03-5521 6564
03-5521 6423

Website :

COVID-19 is a serious public health crisis and we must take all matters into consideration. We are confident that the affected countries’ authorities are doing their best to arrest the issue based on the available resources.

I urge everyone to provide their fullest support as we work to ensure that the COVID-19 pandemic is effectively contained. 

We thank you everyone, for your support and cooperation in ensuring mitigation around these difficult times would be as seamless as possible. 

Most importantly, stay safe and exercise optimal personal hygiene practices.


Prof Tan Sri Dato Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid
President, Management & Science University